What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a mineral which occurs naturally in the ground. During the twentieth century it was widely used because of its heat resistant and insulation properties, and it saw particularly increased use after the Second World War. Asbestos was used in a very wide range of items ranging from insulation in the home, floor and roofing tiles, shipbuilding to insulate boilers and pipes, and even motor vehicle parts such as brake linings.
Although asbestos is not as widely used today in new construction, many older buildings and industrial plants still contains the original asbestos. When older buildings are being renovated or demolished the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection mandates a range of guidelines as to how to remove it safely, and only qualified professionals are allowed to carry out the task.
Why is Asbestos Dangerous?
In its solid state asbestos is not dangerous but when it breaks up or is disturbed, tiny microscopic fibers are released into the air. If these fibers are then inhaled they enter the lungs and other organs. There they may slowly begin to cause diseases over several years, known as asbestos related illnesses.
What Diseases Can Asbestos Cause?
Asbestos can cause lung cancer, asbestosis, and the most deadly asbestos related disease which is mesothelioma. In the first ten years of this century around 30,000 people died of mesothelioma and every year up to 3,000 new cases are diagnosed.
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer for which there is no known cure, and which can take up to 50 years after exposure to develop. It can affect the lung lining, which is called pleural mesothelioma, or the lining around the stomach. In a very few rare mesothelioma can affect the lining around the heart.
Many people who were exposed to asbestos will go on to develop mesothelioma. Men are much more likely to develop the disease than women, due mainly to the fact that they worked in industries with more exposure to asbestos.
Why Should I Hire an Experienced Asbestos Lawyer?
Mesothelioma lawsuits, can be very complex and require a great deal of research and expertise. An experienced asbestos lawyer has the knowledge of prior cases and the contacts to be able to ensure that you and your family receive the compensation you deserve for your asbestos related disease.
If you, or a member of your family, has been diagnosed with an asbestos related disease, contact one of the Boston asbestos attorneys listed in this directory today for an immediate NO COST case evaluation.